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Engineering Documents
The procedure outlines steps followed in carrying out planned maintenance work on plant machinery and equipment.
The procedure outlines steps followed in rectifying identified plant and equipment failures on company assets including buildings and equipment and the steps for carrying out failure analysis on failures.
The procedure outlines steps followed in collecting, recording and maintenance of asset/equipment inventory records and steps followed in identifying, recommending and actual disposal of HCCL assets/equipment.
The procedure outlines steps followed in maintenance and calibration of measuring, control and analytic equipment
The procedure outlines steps followed in initiating and managing capital applications and controlling expenditure.
The procedure outlines steps followed in ensuring a reliable transport system and effective utilisation of Pool vehicles.
The procedure outlines steps followed in handling new and used oil in the workshops.
The procedure describes steps followed in safeguarding everyone carrying out equipment maintenance and repairs throughout the Hwange Colliery Company Works.
The procedure outlines steps followed in operating and maintaining workshop machinery in all HCCL workshops.
The procedure outlines steps to be followed immediately in the period ensuing the occurrence of motor vehicle accident involving a Hwange Colliery Company registered vehicle.
The procedure outlines operating regulations for the control of the Company’s high voltage power system.
The procedure covers the steps and criterion followed before any contractor is considered as a registered contracting company of the Hwange Colliery Company enabling them to be considered for construction, civil, electrical, mechanical, mining or any other projects that may arise in any of the company’s departments. This procedure applies to all HCCL operations done by its contractors including on-site sub-contractors within its operations.
The procedure outlines steps followed in maintaining, inspecting and testing of boilers and associated pipework in the Hwange Colliery Company facilities and plants.
The procedure outlines steps pursued in ensuring an efficient and dependable drawing office function.
The Divisional Engineer (Projects) is responsible for ensuring implementation revision and maintenance of this procedure.
The procedure describes steps followed in safeguarding personnel and machine when re-routing or replacing cables, working on the slip rings or near live parts and when blasting closer to the machine or it’s trailing cable.
The procedure outlines steps followed in lifting and rigging operation carried out in HCCL.
This procedure outlines steps to be followed before cutting and welding can be carried out in a Fiery Mine.
The purpose of the procedure is to align more closely the use, allocation and identification of company vehicles.
The procedure outlines steps followed in the disposal of redundant materials.
The procedure outlines steps followed in the disposal of redundant materials.
The procedure outlines steps followed in the preparation of all works offered or being offered to and from Hwange Colliery Company Limited.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in operating the standby system, calling out personnel to attend to work after normal working time and their transportation to and from work.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in sending HCCL equipment away for external repairs and receiving it after repairs.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in maintaining, inspecting and testing lifting equipment in the Hwange Colliery Company facilities and plants.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in maintaining flameproof electrical equipment in HCCL flameproof facilities and plants.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in maintaining flameproof electrical equipment in HCCL flameproof facilities and plants.
The work instruction outlines normal engineering workshop hours and provides guidelines for booking of overtime worked by engineering personnel in the Hwange Colliery Company engineering sections.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in managing workshop tools and buffer stores materials.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in maintaining good housekeeping in the workshops and in all working areas in the Hwange Colliery Company facilities and plants.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in transferring parts or components from one equipment to another in the Hwange Colliery Company facilities and plants.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in carrying out equipment modifications in the Hwange Colliery Company facilities and plants.
The work instruction outlines requirements for handling of HP cleaner and other harmful cleaning substances in the Hwange Colliery Company facilities and plants.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in logging equipment down and up in the Hwange Colliery Company facilities and plants when it stops for maintenance to be able to keep track of equipment down times.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in carrying out maintenance on moveable diesel plant equipment in the Hwange Colliery Company facilities and plants.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in carrying out tyre maintenance on Hwange Colliery Company vehicles and wheeled moveable equipment.
The work instruction describes steps followed in carrying out electrical isolation and energising for equipment maintenance and repairs throughout the Hwange Colliery Works.
The work instruction describes requirements for maintenance of electrical substations and MCCs throughout the Hwange Colliery Works.
The work instruction outlines requirements for the handling and operation of welding equipment in the Hwange Colliery Company facilities and plants.
The work instruction outlines requirements for the handling and operation of gas welding and cutting equipment in the Hwange Colliery Company facilities and plants.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in coordinating the requirements of all reporting, repair and maintenance work in the Hwange Colliery Company facilities and plants.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in maintaining and inspecting detarrers in the Hwange Colliery Cokeworks Plant.
The procedure outlines operating regulations for the control of the Company’s high voltage power system.
The work instruction outlines the steps followed in restoring electrical power supplies in the event of an interruption of supply to the whole Company.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in operating and controlling standby vehicles provided for calling out and transporting personnel required to attend to work after normal working time to and from work.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in planning for a plant shutdown or major equipment overhaul throughout HCCL to ensure efficient execution of work.
The Working Instruction outlines steps followed in refuelling and topping up oils at Service Bay and in the field at Opencast Mine.
The Working Instruction outlines critical work that is done on the Dragline, Shovels and Drills maintenance so as ensure machine and personnel safety.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in rope maintenance, corrective measure and recording the work carried out in the HCCL shovels and dragline.
The Working Instruction outlines steps followed in carrying out pre-start checks of diesel plant machine, equipment and vehicles in the Open Cast Mine.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in ensuring that HCCL compressors and pressure vessels are maintained, inspected and tested according to the Mining (Management & Safety) Regulations, Statutory Instrument 109 of 1990 or any amendments thereof.
This work instruction describes steps taken in carrying out cutting and welding in a Fiery Mine.
The work instructions outlines for the issue, care and maintenance of resQpacs, safety lamps / methanometers and cap lamps.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in ensuring an efficient transport system. It also shows measures put in place to avoid misuse of company vehicles by drivers. It seeks to promote good relations between the transport office and all the other company employees.
The work instruction outlines steps followed in ensuring an efficient transport system. It also shows measures put in place to avoid misuse of company vehicles by drivers. It seeks to promote good relations between the transport office and all the other company employees.